Zdeněk Nový psychoterapeut Praha

Psychotherapy is a form of art

…the art of approaching people, their soul and body…

I rely on my education, my experience from the accredited body-psychotherapy training at the Association for Body-Centered Psychotherapy, and most of all on my own therapeutic experience. I am still working on myself.

I have worked for fifteen years in international corporations and smaller companies in managerial positions. Parallel to this, I had my family side by side, with my wife, with whom I also spent fifteen years, and the son that came from our marriage. On the surface, my life looked idyllic – successful career, family. Yet I felt no fulfillment, but instead an empty void and questions about the meaning of life.

Despite all my external successes, I felt burnt out, plagued by anxiety, sadness and a permanent feeling of inadequacy. This period in my life led me to decide to embark on a journey of deep self-discovery. Not only through personal experience, but also through a thorough education in the field of psychotherapy.

I believe that seeking a life in harmony with oneself is a necessity for all of us. Each of us has an inner calling, the intensity of which may vary, but the essence is the same.

On my journey of self-discovery, I have explored various philosophical movements, religious approaches, and learned the value of working with mindfulness, emotions, and the body. I set aside 10-15% of my time each year for meditation retreats and being in the dark, which provide a unique perspective and depth of awareness.

When I work with a client, I don’t use a one-size-fits-all method. Rather, together we create a unique approach that best fits the client’s needs and circumstances. Because I believe that the client’s well-being should be at the center of any therapy, transcending any general “truths” and learned lessons.

I have worked for fifteen years in international corporations and smaller companies in managerial positions. Parallel to this, I had my family side by side, with my wife, with whom I also spent fifteen years, and the son that came from our marriage. On the surface, my life looked idyllic – successful career, family. Yet I felt no fulfillment, but instead an empty void and questions about the meaning of life.

Despite all my external successes, I felt burnt out, plagued by anxiety, sadness and a permanent feeling of inadequacy. This period in my life led me to decide to embark on a journey of deep self-discovery. Not only through personal experience, but also through a thorough education in the field of psychotherapy.

I believe that seeking a life in harmony with oneself is a necessity for all of us. Each of us has an inner calling, the intensity of which may vary, but the essence is the same.

On my journey of self-discovery, I have explored various philosophical movements, religious approaches, and learned the value of working with mindfulness, emotions, and the body. I set aside 10-15% of my time each year for meditation retreats and being in the dark, which provide a unique perspective and depth of awareness.

When I work with a client, I don’t use a one-size-fits-all method. Rather, together we create a unique approach that best fits the client’s needs and circumstances. Because I believe that the client’s well-being should be at the center of any therapy, transcending any general “truths” and learned lessons.

My passion is to guide clients on their journey to a deeper understanding of themselves and through that, an understanding of others. I emphasize humanity, honesty and clarity in my work, whether in individual psychotherapy, couples therapy or body psychotherapy. To do this I use techniques aimed at developing mindfulness and reflection. These methods help us to uncover the hidden motivations behind our actions. When one gets in touch with them, the space for free choice and conscious decision-making opens up. My goal is to equip you with the tools and techniques that will enable you to become your own guide on your journey through life with all that it brings.

In my heart I feel a deep connection with the children and the authentic spirituality of the man. My passions and interests include dance, music, drawing, reading, yoga and manual activities. I find peace in meditation, and true fulfillment in my work.

0 h+

Therapy sessions


Client stories

0 h+

Own experience

A selection of the courses I have completed related to psychotherapy

  • Psychotherapy training with bodywork integration

    5 years accredited training with 1.000 hours of self-experience and learning

  • School of self-discovery (Pavel Špatenka)

    One-year course focused on depth psychology techniques

  • Mindfulness training

    Half-year course on mindfulness and meditation techniques

  • Training in dance-movement therapy

    One-year course on working with movement for personal development

  • Psychedelic minimum

    Half-year course on changed states of consciousness and their therapeutic potential

  • Transaction analysis

  • Course of body work in psychotherapy

  • Course of work with the body in couple therapy

Frequently asked questions about my approach to psychotherapy

How are your own life experiences reflected in your practice in psychotherapy?

My own life experiences have shaped and enriched me as a therapist. I have always believed that every experience, good or bad, is a valuable lesson. It allows me to better feel and understand my clients’ emotions and situations and approach them with deeper understanding and empathy.

How often do you as a therapist participate in supervision or consultation in the field of psychotherapy?

Supervision and consultation are an essential part of my professional life. I attend supervision sessions approximately once or twice a month, which allows me to reflect on my work, learn from it and continually improve.

How do you integrate client feedback into your psychotherapy practice?

I consider client feedback a valuable tool for my own learning and growth. I actively invite my clients to share their thoughts and feelings about our sessions, and then use this feedback to modify and improve my therapeutic approach.

How do you deal with challenges and difficult situations during psychotherapy?

Every challenge is an opportunity for growth. When I encounter a difficult situation, I approach it with an open mind, an awareness of my own limitations, and a search for support, whether in supervision or continuing education, so that I can offer the best possible help to my clients.

What books or studies in the field of psychotherapy have been most inspiring for your work?

I’m an avid reader. I have been deeply influenced by a lot of literature during my work. Among the most important ones are C.G. Jung and his followers, Sigmund Freud, Alexander Lowen, Peter Levine, who have given me many impulses to explore the human psyche. I also enjoy reading Buddhist literature and its concepts of the human mind.

How do you perceive the importance of ethics in psychotherapy?

Ethics is the cornerstone of my practice. I always put the interests and needs of my clients first to ensure a safe and supportive environment for everyone I work with.

What role do cultural and social factors play in your psychotherapy practice?

Cultural and social factors play a key role in how people perceive the world around them. I always try to be sensitive to these aspects and ensure that my therapeutic methods and approaches are culturally sensitive and respectful of the diversity of each individual.

Jak se postaráte o svou vlastní pohodu a prevenci vyhoření v oboru psychoterapie?

I consider self-care essential. I regularly engage in relaxation, passionate meditation and exercise to stay balanced. I also make sure that my workload is sustainable and that I regularly allow myself time to recover.

What is your vision of the ideal therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy?

For me, the ideal therapeutic relationship is one based on trust, openness, and mutual respect. It is a safe space where the client feels heard, understood and supported in the process of personal growth. Over the course of therapy, I am pleased to see the power of gradually building a safe relationship between therapist and client.

How do you try to stay in touch with current trends and research in the field of psychotherapy?

I actively follow professional literature, participate in workshops and create a network of colleagues with whom I share knowledge and experience. Continuing education is part of my therapeutic commitment. I believe that continuing education and openness to new ideas is the key to successful practice in the field of psychotherapy.

What is your specialty in the field of psychotherapy?

Absolvoval jsem 5 letý body-psychoterapeutický výcvik propojující tělesné prožívání a lidskou psýché. Zakladatelé tohoto oboru byli Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen, původně psychoanalytici. Po letech zkušeností v analýze přišli s pozorováním, že dostat se k jádru klientova problému lze efektivně při zapojení tělesného prožívání. Pracuji tedy hlubinným způsobem. Nesoustředím se pouze na symptomy, ale vedu klienty k jádru problému. Snažím se jim pomoci osvětlit jejich duševní terén, aby se v něm lépe vyznali a chápali propojenost tělesného prožívání s jejich psychickým stavem.

What role does psychotherapy play in personal development in your opinion?

Sooner or later, personal development in the form of coaching, performance techniques, self-analysis or spiritual practices will hit the limits of the individual reaching deeper structures of the individual. At this point, psychotherapy is a more than beneficial technique. Deep psychotherapeutic insight reveals obstacles in the form of traumas and unhelpful patterns of behavior. Penetrating these deeply hidden places in a person creates more space for a more satisfying life and more life energy.

Veletržní 67, Prague 7 – Letná
Tram station: Kamenická
Parking: Centrum Stromovka (1h free)

Zdeněk Nový - Vědomé Žití - Body-psychoterapeut

Zdeněk Nový

Body psychotherapist

I work as a body psychotherapist in my private practice. I completed a 5-year psychotherapy training program that incorporates a focus on bodily experiences. About me.